Alibaba Cloud offers the following two types of exams. The same Pearson VUE web account is used to schedule either type of exam.

Take exams at a test center

Alibaba Cloud Certification exams are delivered in a proctored environment at a Pearson VUE® Authorized Test Center. To schedule a test center exam, please log in and select the exam you would like to take, then select “At a local test center”. You can schedule exam to your preferred test center and appointment time.

Take exams from home or in the office (OnVUE exams)

OnVUE allows you to conveniently take an exam in the comfort of your home or office while being monitored by an offsite proctor. All communication with the proctor is done in English. Visit the Alibaba Online Proctoring page for more information. To schedule an OnVUE exam, please log in and select the exam you would like to take, then select “At a home or office”. The available appointment time will display for your selection.

Please note:

  • This exam is proctored in English only. There is not an option for local language proctoring at this time.
  • OnVUE exam is not supported in China and Japan at this time.

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us.
Email: intl_training@list.alibaba-inc.com

Last updated 2024-04-10